Proper Traveling Tips For More Successful TripsProper Traveling Tips For More Successful Trips

Proper Traveling Tips For More Successful Trips

Seeing the world, or just a city next door can lead to all sorts of fun and adventure. Whether you are a seasoned pro or a novice traveler, the following tips are a collaboration of helpful information to make your next journey much safer, easier and a whole lot more fun.

Having an emergency road kit can save your vacation. If you plan on traveling to your vacation destination by car, it is crucial to be prepared in case of emergency. At a minimum road kit should contain first-aid supplies, road flares, water, jumper cables and a flashlight. Having one on hand can make dealing with small problems a snap, and could potentially save your life in a serious accident.

If you travel often, invest in small reusable plastic bottles. You can find reusable bottles at most large supermarkets. Putting your regular shampoos and conditioners in these small, reusable bottles is more cost efficient in the long run. Travel sized toiletries are often very overpriced for the small amount of product inside them.

Don’t take the whole bottle of shampoo and conditioner when going on a trip. Buy some small containers first that are sold in the travel size toiletries section of your local store. Pour some shampoo and conditioner into the small containers and take those instead. This will free up some much needed space in your duffel bag or suitcase.

Because security does not allow you to lock your luggage, you run the risk of the zippers coming undone and your belongings leaving a trail across the country and around the baggage claim. To help prevent this, use zip ties, which hold the zipper together, but can easily be cut off (with little cost to you) by security, if necessary.

One way to collect memories of your trip is to do crayon rubbings of architectural features, historical markers or even, just interesting textures. All you need is a crayon and thin, newsprint like, paper. Tear the paper cover off the outside of the crayon. Next, hold the paper flat on the surface you are recording. To complete the rubbing, use the side of the crayon rubbing it back and forth until the image emerges.

If you’re going on a cruise, pack a snorkle with you. Then when you stop at one of the locations, hit the beach and do a bit of snorkling. You’ll be amazed at what you can see while snorking, especially if your cruise is in the Caribbean. And buying a snorkle is a lot cheaper than paying for a snorkle tour!

If you plan to stay more than one night in a hotel room, bring a cheap over-the-door organizer for shoes or jewelry. Instead of filling it with shoes, you can use the pockets to store your toiletries, room key, camera, phone and any other objects which might easily get lost in the fray. The clear pockets make it easy to find things, in seconds.

Joining a hotel’s loyalty program can provide you with many different traveling perks. Members of these programs often get special bonuses that are not available to the general population. Some hotels offer free internet access or a free drink every morning for breakfast. Others will iron a few items of your clothing for no charge. Loyalty programs are a way to make your hotel stay a little more pleasant.

Winter travel can contribute to the flu and cold during that time of year, adding a terrible element to your holiday or winter travel stress. Visit your doctor’s office, before you leave, and get the flu shot. Wash your hands or use sanitizer constantly as most germs spread by contact.

Airports are not always the safest places to be. While in an airport you should always keep a close watch on your belongings. Flights are becoming very crowded; airports are also getting extremely crowded. Always be aware of your surroundings and closely watch your tickets, purses, wallets, and other personal belongings at all times.

Avoid getting bumped when you are using an airplane to travel. First, be sure you get an advanced seat assignment. With seat assignments, you only get bumped if you are late. Next, you can check-in online. You can do this twenty-four hours before your departure and this will help save you a seat. Last, do not be late.

When you return home from your travels, make a photo album of your adventures. Particularly if you were on a road trip, you probably encountered a lot of interesting sights on your journey. A photo album allows your family and friends to see everything that you did and helps to preserve your memories.

If you travel with many electronics pack a power strip. Though hotels have electrical outlets available it is not uncommon for each person to have 2 or 3 items that need to be charged every night. A power strip can keep the cords relegated to one area instead of strewn all over the room.

When traveling, carry your own GPS unit and program it for all of the stops you will be making. Doing this can save you the time it takes to constantly look up addresses and review maps. You also won’t find yourself stopping to ask for directions nearly as often.

When traveling with your pet, there are several items you need to remember to bring with you. You need to make sure your pet is always wearing a collar with your name and phone number on it. You will also need proof of vaccinations and any proper licenses. Last, but not least, you should travel with your pet’s favorite toys.

When deciding to travel by car with children, have a portable DVD player or an built-in DVD player in your vehicle. This can make a really long trip appear much shorter to them and it can keep them distracted so that they don’t start misbehaving because they become bored or impatient.

Whether traveling to see a family member or as part of an adventurous expedition, everyone needs some planning and preparation for their trip. Hopefully you learned something from reading this article that will help you on your next vacation and maybe something you can pass along to a friend.


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